Work Packages
Running for 48 months, IGNITION encompasses seven work packages, each covering a different aspect of the project.

Lead Participant: CII
Goals: To ensure high quality delivery of the project according to the Contract and Consortium Agreements and to provide timely and efficient administration and financial coordination.
Lead Participant: CII
Goals: To gain deeper insights into the welfare of farmed animals under a scenario of climate change and current farming practices, in line with the main gaps addressed by the recent SCAR-Fish and SCAR-AHW studies regarding animal welfare.
Lead Participant: AAU
Goals: To develop the optimal bioactive compounds extraction strategy from residual halophytes and to test their pro- and pre-biotic activity in shrimp and fish diets.
Lead Participant: UiT
Goals: To develop effective vaccination strategies against tenacibaculosis and infectious salmonid anemia virus in fish.
Lead Participant: SPA
Goals: This WP will take advantage of the inputs from WPs 2, 3, and 4 experiments. The main objectives are i) to discover and select biomarkers per species; ii) to develop non-invasive electrochemical sensors for quantitative analysis of selected biomarkers in farm products, and iii) to validate biomarker protocols and sensors for prototype in WP2.
Lead Participant: UoE
Goals: This WP will i) characterize the genetic component of stress responses observed in previous WPs and ii) test the potential for incorporation of novel phenotypes into breeding programmes.
Lead Participant: CII
Goals: To ensure that the knowledge and innovation developed by IGNITION reaches its target audience. This includes promoting and supporting the project by disseminating the results, preparing the exploitation of the outcomes and gained knowledge, and informing about the project and its achievements