The increasing demand for high-quality animal protein has placed extreme pressure on livestock production, and aquaculture is no exception. By 2050, aquaculture is expected to become our population’s primary source of protein. However, animal disease is still causing significant economic losses as new environmental and health stressors emerge due to climate change and global trade.
At the same time, public awareness of sustainable production systems and animal welfare is increasing, and more people are recognizing the importance of the One Health concept. One Health is a unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of humans, animals and the environment.
IGNITION embraces this approach and focuses on these connections to develop advanced technologies to monitor fish health, well-being parameters, immunity-enhancing feeds, and vaccination strategies. To learn more, watch our video on the One Health Approach.
Through the lens of One Health, the industry can create better production conditions, reducing animal stress and the need for chemical and antimicrobial treatments. This results in healthier animals, better environmental sustainability, and the highest possible protein quality for consumers.