6-Month Progress Meeting Summary

IGNITION project’s team gathered last week in Edinburgh for its first progress meeting.

The meeting commenced with a warm welcome and a stimulating cup of coffee, setting the stage for a day filled with insightful discussions and collaborative planning.

Throughout the day, representatives from various work packages (WPs) shared their progress and objectives. WP1, focusing on coordination, project management, and ethics, presented an overview of their comprehensive plan, including deliverables and milestones. WP2 highlighted the significance of animal welfare in a changing environment, outlining their ambitious goals and the progress made thus far.

As the discussions continued, the meeting participants explored diverse topics, including halophytes biorefinery and functional feeds (WP3), animal immunization approaches (WP4), non-invasive tools and machine learning (WP5), and genomic tools for molecular phenotyping (WP6). The project’s dedication to and fostering a coherent and healthy communication was also highlighted by the leaders of WP7.

A celebratory IGNITION dinner awaited the participants, providing an opportunity to network and further strengthen collaboration.

On the second day all the participants were able to visit the Roslin Institute that showcases fantastic installations and ground-breaking technology. All the participants were divided into WP groups with the goal of encouraging the exchange between the leaders of different tasks.

With each passing milestone, the IGNITION project moves closer to its ultimate goal of revolutionizing animal welfare practices in the aquaculture sector.

A very warm thank you to the University of Edinburgh for hosting this meeting and making sure everything went smoothly.

IGNITION project Team in Edinburgh